Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Malo e Lelei Moutolu!  This week has been very roller coaster-y.  We have had som​​e awesome teaching opportunities and can really start to see progress in the area, on the other hand, some days have been so slow with not much for us to do in this tiny place.

Ima start off with last Tuesday,  We had Zone Conference which was awesome!  Pres Tui'one and his wife as well as Pres Fetani (one of his councilors) and his wife, and also the AP's and the STL's all came down to Ha'apai for it.  Me and Despain were assigned to do a teaching in it, but they changed the schedule right before so we didn't have to.  Funny little Misiona Tonga fact for you: Pres Fetani always brings his hair clippers to Zone Conference and afterwards, if he sees a missionary that needs a haircut, he gives it to them right then and there at the end of the meeting!  Luckily I haven't needed one yet bcause he straight up buzzes the whole head.  Right now I'm 'meimei poko' (almost bald) anyway from my haircut from my Zone Leader smh.  At the Zone Conference President told us that whichever companionship gets 3 baptisms by the end of the month will get flown back to Tonga for a temple trip.  That sounds awesome so me and Despain are trying to accomplish that but I don't know if we will be able to :(

The last little while we have been teaching this lady and her family and we feel very confident that we will have the opportunity to baptize them within the next couple weeks!  Our last lesson, we left them with a Book of Mormon, and she told us she wants to get baptized, but first she wants to read and get an answer, which is totally fine!  This work is centered around the Book of Mormon.  My testimony of that book has increased so much over the past couple of weeks.  Probably because we started this 90 read the Book of Mormon thing.  But it is just awesome.  It is the best evidence we could ask for of Gods love for his children and for a restored and true church. LOVE IT!

We went to a house this week, and we thought we had talked to the people there before and they just said to come back another day, so we were coming back to talk to them.  We asked the lady inside (which we never even saw, she was hiding behind the wall, knitting) we ask if there would be a time we could talk and she yelled, "Ikai!!"(No!!!) Despain said that was the meanest thing he's heard anyone say to him, just asking if we could talk.  That's how nice the people are here though. That's the first outright objection I've heard my whole mission. Everyone says, "Oh, I'm busy right now,  I'll let you know when I have time to talk." That's pretty much us getting turned down. It's awesome how much they respect the missionaries though.

Oh by the way, we found a golden investigator this week!! It stared with our fafanga(the member that feeds us(dinner)) taking us to one of the 3 restaurants in Ha'apai because he is the Governor of Ha'apai(thats a big deal aight haha) So we ate there and it was so good. We end up talking to the owner which is one of the nicest ladies I have ever met! She grew up in America so her English is just as good as her Tongan. We talk for a little bit, she tells us to come back on Sunday for us to talk, and she will make us dinner... What investigator makes you dinner?? Haha soo awesome. On Sunday we go, we eat what she makes us(which was delicious btw. I havent had eggs in weeks.)  And we start to talk to her and answer her questions, and she was soo accepting of everything, she tells us about her sister who joined the church and she notices how much happier she is, and shes curious about why. Anywayysss, she wants us to come to her restaurant every Wednesday for her to make us food and to teach her the lessons. Safe to say.. we love her.

This week we were walking down a road and this guy stops us and hands us $20 which was a miracle haha cause we were pretty broke. But, we start talking to him and we find out that Troy Polamalu calls him up to make him pork whenever he's in the States. Haha the poly connections are hilarious!

Last thing: yes even Tonga is talking about Trump. We get asked our thoughts about it like every other day haha.

The cloads and sunsets are insane, like everyday day, its so cool!
One of the pics you should be able to see Kao, and Tofua. Kao is a volcano that is huge! You can go all the way to Ha'afeva(like a 3 hour boat ride towards it) and it looks just as big.

Wooahh sheesh sorry for the long email! 

Ofaa lahi ats everyone!

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