Sunday, July 22, 2018


This is our dog Dirty Phil is he not the cutest thing you've ever seeennn??😇

Just a little update today... This Sunday I will be finding out where my last area is going to be....

MLC this week was wayy cool. President is making some big changes that I am way pumped for. Starting now we are doing daily reports as well as weekly. Its gonna be a big help to us missionaries to work that much harder. 

Me and my companion have been working our hardest the past couple of days and have had the absolute least amount of success possible I think haha. He's was getting real down last night because within an evenings amount of time, we had been dropped by like half our investigators(denied hard core) and it was just the worst. I feel grateful though for the hardships. Personally that is when I feel closest to Heavenly Father and Christ and feel the need to rely on them. I know that these hard times are meant to help humble us(especially me) so that we will feel that much more inclined to bear as sincere testimony as we can and help soften some of these rock solid hearts.

I think this week we will be going on our second our third round knocking the same doors with Lotoaniu haha. Who knows! Maybe someone new will answer the door this time haha :)

Yikes.. we have to go rn but heres a couple other exciting(exciting?) things that happened this week:

-our members ringtone is "What Does The Fox Say"

-As of last Tuesday I am a car murderer. (His fault for walking right in the middle of the road)

Love you guys!

-E Nite 
Dirty Phil

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