Saturday, September 30, 2017


Well HEYYY guys!!  Sorry its been so long since I've been able to send out a group email, sometimes the internet can be real annoying. 

Those of you who haven't heard from me in a while, Pangaimotu is great!  We are still trying very hard to progress our investigators and the very large list of less actives.  It can be hard though, especially when every single appointment we had ALL of last week, fell through :)  Gotta keep smiling!!  The Island is beautiful and I love these people.  There is nothing I'd rather be doing then representing the Savior here in this part of the world!

A major set back in all the Motus (Islands beside the main one) is not seeing the members help with the work.  It seems to be generally accepted by all the missionaries that that is just how it is, but we are starting to see some more improvements with it.  We got to go down to our other little tiny village we cover with a member family and got an appointment to teach a little family.  We have started to have meetings with the ward at the end of church every week so that we can report the work we've done and encourage missionary work to be more of a topic on the members minds.

We had another Musical Fireside yesterday that was fun. This time a nonmember and a less active lady came and that makes it all worth it to me!  Even if half of the members are 'le'o ua' (tone deaf) we got this old man named Talikavili who would hop in and just start singing from the audience.

It's funny reading other missionaries blogs in much bigger places who drop investigators if they aren't progressing at all... here our investigators are all we have if we dropped them we wouldn't have anything to do lolol!

We've been trying to start a Po Ako (study night) to help the kids with English and hopefully find new investigators that way, and we had our first one on Thursday and no one showed up! 

Our dog Peewee still follows us everywhere.  She came with us all the way to our neighboring village for District Meeting and then when the zones came and picks us up she had to find her own way back which was surprisingly fast. 


Random things:

-One of our less-actives was reading a Jehovah Witness hand out book during 2nd hour at church
-I learned that Tongans think that braces (on teeth) are 'beautiful' and like a trend or style in America 
-As a blonde dog walked past a little kid said, "Sio, lanu tatau a Kalanite" "Look he's the same color as Kalanite" lolol Rockin the palangi image our here!

Hope everyone in the mother land is doing good! And all you other homies rockin the badge around the world! Love you all ki tu'a maamani!

-Eleta K-Nite

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